The 934 Gallery #PayArtists Pledge
Art not only transforms spaces but also narratives, lives, and futures. The value of art extends beyond its aesthetic and emotional appeal; it is a testament to the skill, dedication, and hard work of artists. It’s time we recognize and compensate this labor as we would in any other profession.
Inspired by advocacy efforts in the United States, such as those by W.A.G.E. (Working Artists and the Greater Economy), we at 934 Gallery are deeply committed to standardizing fair pay for artists.
Art is Work. Art is Valuable. Art is Essential.
At 934 Gallery, we champion the principle that artists deserve fair compensation for their creativity, talent, and contribution to our cultural fabric. We reject the notion that exposure suffices as payment. Exposure does not pay bills or sustain an artist’s livelihood. With this understanding and respect for art and its creators, we launched the #PayArtists campaign.
Our Commitment:
Since 2023 we have committed to paying artists stipends for artists exhibiting at 934 Gallery.
In 2024 and beyond, we will continue to provide exhibiting artists stipends.
Review our financial commitment to artists and set a path towards becoming W.A.G.E certified.
Release transparent updates about our progress towards W.A.G.E. certification.
By purchasing a 934 #PayArtist T-shirt, 100% of proceeds go directly to a dedicated fund for artist compensation.
Join Us:
We invite you—galleries, businesses, institutions, and individuals of Columbus—to stand with us in this commitment. By signing the #PayArtists pledge, you join a growing movement to:
Respect and value the work of artists by ensuring fair compensation.
Foster transparency in artist pay.
Support the sustainability of a vibrant artistic ecosystem in Columbus and beyond.
Your Action:
Sign the #PayArtists pledge, publicly committing to fair artist compensation to the best of your ability.
Encourage dialogue about the importance of artist pay in your networks.
Support the cause by purchasing and proudly wearing a 934 #PayArtist t-shirt, where proceeds go directly to funding artist compensation.
We are proud of the strides made by many organizations in Columbus dedicated to fair compensation for artists and we recognize that there is still much to accomplish. Together, we can create a future where art is recognized as a vital part of our city’s identity and culture and as a profession worthy of fair and equitable compensation.
Art is work. Let’s pay artists.