934 Gallery is located at 934 Cleveland Ave. in the Milo-Grogan district, an easy destination from CMH by 670-West.
We have a private parking lot located next to our building. If you park in the neighborhood, please be mindful to not block any driveways.
934 Gallery is open the first Friday of every month for exhibition openings. We are also open every Saturday from noon to 3 p.m. Follow us on Instagram for updates on closures and special events.
934 Gallery is home to an extensive Outdoor Gallery that allows visitiors to experience artwork from talent muralists even when our doors are not open.
Visitors are encouraged to download and use the Cbus ArtWalks app. The Cbus ArtWalks App will guide you to Columbus extensive collection of outdoor and indoor public art by neighborhood and allow you to search for art by title or artist name.
At 934 Gallery we are proud to partner with our community to host event rentals. If you are interested in a private rental or looking to host a public event, contact us at 934gallery@934gallery.org for more information about renting the gallery.